Point of Sale
The shopping experience of your customer becomes memorable when you help customer check out faster and avoid long waiting queues. Your customers get to enjoy a shorter time at your retail establishment and still remain highly satisfied with your servicing. Our system makes business decisions with the help of near real-time data available anytime, anywhere, on any smart device.
This helps you customize your servicing based on your customer's shopping behavior at the checkout counter.
Sale & Distribution Management
Sale and distribution management can handle the sale order and delivery business flow for any distribution industry.
This business solution will handle a number of stages an order can go through in typical sale flow; product quantity availability, product handling, multi pricelist, multi-currency, promotion & discount, and payment.
This solution will be useful for business which relays on the supplier for delivery of the product to automate their business

Accounting Management
Odoo is beautiful accounting software designed for the needs of the 21st century. Instantly create invoices and send them with just a click. No need to print them. Odoo can send them for you by email or regular mail. Odoo accounting is connected with all Odoo our apps such as sale, purchase, inventory, and subscriptions. This way, recording vendor bills is also super quick. Set a vendor, select the purchase order and Odoo fills in everything for you automatically. Accounting or finance management is a key to any organization since there are businesses around the world who manages their cash flows, payments, and other related items every day, Proper accounting management tool is a necessity for small and midsized businesses of today.
There is much stand-alone accounting software available in the market to meet the needs and requirements of organizations, but again they are just applications means they cannot perform the duties of an ERP software or Enterprise management software.
Inventory Management
Odoo Inventory Module allows you to manage that maximize warehouse efficiency by reducing stock levels, avoiding stock-outs, and automating the warehouse process. Allow you can pack and deliver orders with barcode scanners. Odoo prepares delivery orders for customers based on availability.
Inventory management simplifies the process of managing and tracking the stock level to improve efficiencies in the company. Track every stock move from purchase to warehouse bin to a sales order. Trace lots or serials upstream or downstream from anywhere in your supply chain.

Subscription Management
Recurring billing & subscriber management the easy way!
Subscription Management Module is your definitive recurring billing and subscription management solution. Effortlessly manage the entire customer lifecycle, Billing, invoicing, reminder emails from accepting recurring payments to handling customer subscriptions.
Subscription management software ensures that the right amount of money is being charged to the right person the accurate number of times a year. Integrate with Sale, CRM, and Accounting on Odoo ERP System.
Manufacturing Management System
Our Manufacturing becomes the best solution you need manufacturing ERP software in place to ensure
every process of your manufacturing business is smooth and fine.
Our system helps manufacturers especially those that operate within a different mode (process, discrete, repetitive, etc.)
environment—design, manufacture, and distribute products in a timely fashion; use appropriate processes that optimize resources;
material, machinery, tools, etc... And satisfy the expectations about quality and delivery.

Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
As a business manager, easy to manage and improve your customer, project and sales cycle with CRM. You can keep all the information about the leads and customers in a single place. The system features reports and a dashboard to monitor contacts and activities so organizations can make informed decisions regarding lead generation, sales and marketing procedures.
Project Management
As a business manager, I have a varied job involving multiple stakeholders. To manage every task seamlessly, Odoo Projects is of great help.
With Odoo Projects, our project team members can easily plan and execute the launching of a new product line in Canada. I organized this project by creating different stages. It allows us to clearly identify the status of any task at any time, and for any user. It is convenient for any other project manager too.
These well-structured project stages are fully customizable. Here I identify one missing stage, I can easily add it in just a click. In our project management process, I proceed to a final review, so I add this stage. Odoo projects

Pharmacy Management Software is an End-to-End Pharmacy prescription fulfillment solution suitable for independent Pharmacies. The Pharmacy Management System is Flexible, Easy-to-learn and adapts solution.
Pharmacy Management System deals with the everyday activities along with the administration process of Pharmacy along with a comprehensive method of managing the inventory and dispatching of drugs.
All generics and their respective brands, batch nos., and, expiry dates, used by the hospital are maintained in a database with the relevant commercial terms applicable from time to time.
Maintenance & Service Module
The module will assist the manager in getting the device details by using their model number. Using the module application, the manager can seamlessly acquire the brand, model and manufacturing details of the device using the model number.
In addition, it helps in saving your time and analyzing the service shop via varied generated reports. The reports include a service report, parts usage report, complaint type report, and customized pivot report.